I was working on a web page where I had to pass a SQL Query string to another page as query parameter.
When I finished the coding and tested, it was working for some queries and failing for certain. After a close examination I found out it was failing for "LIKE" queries. The query had characters like '%'
For example if the query is like "SELECT FNAME LIKE '%ANA%'" then this will fail. Because the receiving page was unable to pass the query string properly.
After some research I found out there is a javascript function encodeURI() which will encode the query string.
There is also another function decodeURI() which does opposite of encodeURI().
By using these functions I was able to complete the coding.
When I finished the coding and tested, it was working for some queries and failing for certain. After a close examination I found out it was failing for "LIKE" queries. The query had characters like '%'
For example if the query is like "SELECT FNAME LIKE '%ANA%'" then this will fail. Because the receiving page was unable to pass the query string properly.
After some research I found out there is a javascript function encodeURI() which will encode the query string.
There is also another function decodeURI() which does opposite of encodeURI().
By using these functions I was able to complete the coding.
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