Thursday, September 25, 2014

Working with ESRI GeoEvent Processor

I was asked to setup the “ESRI GeoEvent Processor” for one of our projects. It was quite exciting to work with it. We can simulate real-time data streams. The real-time data streams can trigger events. We can use these events to build additional logic based on our business needs.

First it was not clear where to start and what are the steps to do. After figuring it out, I thought of documenting here so it will give a starting point for anyone who is interested.

These are the main things to focus when working with “ESRI GeoEvent Processor”.
  1. Prepare the GIS data exactly the way you want for your business needs.
  2. Prepare the “Real Time Data” stream. This can be a series of Latitude and Longitude values with other information. For example flight data or truck data. Any data which contains a stream of X and Y values with time stamp that can be mapped on the Map.
  3. In the ESRI GeoEvent Processor, create the right kind of “Inputs” and “Outputs”. There are several choices here. Based on the business requirement the correct one should be chosen. A little bit of planning and few trails and error will produce expected results.
  4. Use the “Inputs” and “Outputs” to create the “GeoEvent Service”. This “GeoEvent Service” will use the “Inputs” and “Outputs” to produce the desired results.

Based on the “GeoEvent”, it is possible to update an existing GIS Feature in a “FeatureService” in ArcGIS Server REST endpoint. It is also possible to add New GIS Features.

Hope you got an idea where to start!

Happy configuring.





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